Course Schedule

Beykoz University 2024-2025 Fall Term Associate and Bachelor Degree Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2023-2024 Fall Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2023-2024 SpringTerm Associate and Bachelor Degree Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2023-2024 Fall Term Associate and Bachelor Degree Course Schedules

Once you have clicked on the link, select your Faculty and Program over the screen that opens up. After that please choose 1 and 1.1 together if the last two digits of your student number ends in an even number. However, if the last two digits of your student number is an odd number, then please choose 1 and 1.2 together instead. Next, you can click on the “search” button available at the bottom right to view your course schedule.

The courses shown in green colour are the ones that will be held online while the ones shown in blue colour are the ones to be held face to face, and will therefore be held physical spaces such as classrooms or labs.

Beykoz University 2023-2024 Spring Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2023-2024 Fall Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2023-2024 Fall Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2022-2023 Spring Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2022-2023 Fall Semester Undergraduate – Associate Degree Program Course Schedules

Once you have clicked on the link, select your Faculty and Program over the screen that opens up. After that please choose 1 and 1.1 together if the last two digits of your student number ends in an even number. However, if the last two digits of your student number is an odd number, then please choose 1 and 1.2 together instead. Next, you can click on the “search” button available at the bottom right to view your course schedule.

The courses shown in green colour are the ones that will be held online while the ones shown in blue colour are the ones to be held face to face, and will therefore be held physical spaces such as classrooms or labs.

Beykoz University 2022-2023 Fall Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2022-2023 Fall Term Graduate Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2021-2022 Spring Term Associate and Bachelor Degree Course Schedules

When you click on the link, just select your program and class from the "Programs arranged according to the majors/Program Charts" section from the screen that opens. Then, select 1 and 1.1 together if the last digit of your student number is an even number, and 1 and 1.2 together if it is an odd number from the "Programs arranged according to the classes/ Class Charts" section. 

Beykoz University 2021-2022 Spring Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2021-2022 Spring Term Graduate Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2021-2022 Fall Term Graduate Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2020-2021 Spring Term Associate and Bachelor Degree Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2020-2021 Spring Term School Of Foreign Languages Course Schedules

Beykoz University 2020-2021 Spring Term Graduate Course Schedules

Note: If the last digit of your student number is an even digit, you are in class A, if it is an odd number You are in class B.

This content was updated on 07/10/2024.


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