Political Science and International Relations (English)

Political Science and International Relations departments are the learning processes in which the course contents and practices that are included in the sub-fields of Political Theories, International Relations and Comparative Politics at the universal level are shared with the students. Beykoz University, Political Science and International Relations syllabus was prepared starting from the basic framework and comparative study of a variety of international and Turkey universities’ curriculum with a rigorous selection process. In this process, it targeted on the one hand, the transfer of basic knowledge which apply on a global scale in these areas, on the other hand Turkey Politics (Turkish politics) through theoretical lectures and practical work in the field of historical structure of Turkey's society and the state, a content which allows the understanding of social and political direction has been established.

The staff of the Department of Political Science and International Relations consists of faculty members who have gained their expertise in different social sciences in accordance with the nature of the department, which is an interdisciplinary field, and have an in-depth research and field experience in these fields. Understanding the education process not as a one-sided transfer of knowledge, but as the students and faculty members think, produce and contribute to the field at all levels, our academic staff perceive our students as the most active and dynamic subjects of university life and academic knowledge production.

Graduates of Beykoz University Department of Political Science and International Relations, thanks to the multi-faceted, theoretical and practical balance offered to them, will be able to develop their authority and skills of leadership, ethics and social responsibility, harmonious group work, access to information, critical thinking, effective and non-violent communication, social problems, to identify, analyze and produce policy, to take responsibility, social entrepreneurship, be open to personal development, and ability to think innovatively.

Our graduates will have employment opportunities in public institutions and organizations, diplomatic units, private organizations, international organizations and media in various positions and in the civil society field, whose importance is increasing in total employment today. In addition, our students, who experience qualified and profound course processes in different social sciences, will also have the opportunity to build their future in the academic field if they wish.

The University will contribute to the planning of the careers of the students before graduation with all its means, and with the motto “education is not preparation for life, education is life itself”, it will mobilize all the necessary resources for its students to build their own world during the student process.

Qualified English Preparatory education and English language education

Following the preparatory education that will be offered by an experienced staff, our students will be able to master the global terminology of Political Science and International Relations by taking all the courses in the curriculum in English.

Relationship with the department from the preparatory program

Starting from the preparatory period, our students will be in an active dialogue with advisors and general staff in order to facilitate their adaptation to both university life and the courses of the Department of Political Science and International Relations (English).

Exchange opportunities with universities abroad

With the relations established with the world universities, our students will have the opportunity to benefit from the student exchange program and international scholarships. Necessary program structures, credit system and relations have been developed in our university.

Internship opportunities in various institutions at home and abroad

Our students will have the opportunity to realize the theoretical knowledge they will acquire during the education process, not only in research, but also in the internship process they will do in the 7th academic period, and will be able to make in-depth observations in the field where they will build their careers in the future. The university will prepare the necessary conditions for students to get the most benefit from the internship process.

Opportunities for double-major and minor programs

In our university, our students are provided with the opportunity to do double-major and minor programs with different departments of the university in accordance with the agreements to be made, especially within the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Opportunity to learn a second foreign language

It will provide the necessary conditions for students to learn a foreign language other than English within the framework of university facilities.

Competence development program and one-to-one lessons

Thanks to the Competence Development Program, which is present throughout our university, our students will have the opportunity to recognize their personal and professional predisposition and to develop their skills and perspectives beyond knowledge. This process will include one-to-one relationship, competence-building lessons and a one-semester internship under the supervision of faculty members.

Opportunities of students to work in research projects of the faculty members

Students whose achievement levels are above average and who plan to pursue their careers academically will be a part of the research projects of faculty members with assistant student status.

Active student clubs

Student clubs, which are an integral part of the university life, will be active in the most active way possible, while providing our students with an enriching social opportunity.



This content was updated on 04/02/2025.


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