Business Administration

About the Department

Today, businesses continue their activities in an environment of constant change due to reasons such as the increase in international economic mobility, the rapid development of technology and the spread of globalization. Businesses that want to be successful in national and international markets, where global competition is rapidly increasing, need individuals who are equipped with contemporary knowledge, open to innovations, entrepreneurs and constantly improving themselves. Every business operating in national and international markets; aims to have human resources equipped with modern knowledge and skills in the fields of production, marketing and sales, accounting, finance and human resources and makes more and more investments in human resources. Businesses expect their employees to acquire certain behavioral characteristics such as creativity, taking responsibility, analytical thinking, adapting to change, seeing the future, speaking and writing at least one foreign language very well, as well as having versatile and contemporary business knowledge. These qualifications, which are necessary for employees at all levels in different sectors, can only be achieved through a quality education.

In order to meet this need, the Department of Business Administration of our Faculty aims to provide a modern business education in two separate programs: English and Turkish. With this training, our goal is to bring qualified future business managers who are equipped with modern business knowledge, aware of the ethical, social and legal responsibilities of an enterprise, investigative, open to innovations into the working life.

In order to achieve this goal, our main principles will be:

Providing student with a broad knowledge on issues such as accounting, finance, business, economics, marketing, management-organization etc. which form the foundation of business management education,

Besides courses on subjects that form the basis of business, international trade and logistics management education, supporting our students with courses such as leadership, behavioral sciences, communication and entrepreneurship, as well as courses such as mathematics, statistics, law, operational research, information processing, management information systems, which are in the position of service, and to provide their knowledge in these subjects,

Including courses and activities on culture, fine arts and sports that can contribute to the social development of students in our programs.

  • Preparing students to communicate effectively with individuals in the businesses they work for and to work in synergies in teams composed of individuals from different disciplines to create synergies,
  • To ensure that students are trained in a professional business environment that can benefit from modern information technologies and tools, are willing to learn continuously, are open to innovations and can easily adapt to changes,
  • To develop active and cooperative learning and lifelong learning skills in the subjects they focus on,
  • To gain the ability to follow the developments related to the international business environment and to become familiar with the problems outside of their business environment,
  • To be able to develop analytical thinking, problem solving and decision-making skills by being aware of ethical values ​​and social responsibilities,
  • To examine cultural differences and to raise awareness of their positive or negative effects on commercial activities and negotiations,
  • Enabling experts, managers and business people in various subjects to give lectures at least once a month, to share their experiences, success and failure stories with students, apart from the courses in the program,
  • To comprehend the national, regional and global problems, to gain the ability to develop solutions based on scientific research to these problems,
  • To provide students with written and verbal communication skills at a level where they can express their thoughts, follow academic publications and discussions, participate in these discussions, create global collaborations or participate in collaborations in the English language.

Career Opportunities

There is a wide range of work areas for graduates of the Business Administration Department. They can work as experts and managers in all fields, especially in accounting, finance, human resources, production, research and development, marketing and sales departments in private and public industrial establishments, commercial companies, banks, service sector, ministries and government institutions. Also; they can get job opportunities in universities, research centers and various regional and international organizations. Apart from these, they can start their own business or become a partner to an existing business when they provide the necessary capital.

Major Advantages of the Department

The fact that the Department of Business Administration has a qualified and experienced academic staff is one of the major advantages of the department. The Department of Business Administration has a faculty consisting of qualified and experienced faculty members who have carried out original studies and publications, successfully carried out education and training activities at undergraduate and graduate levels, managed postgraduate and doctoral theses in the field, participated in scientific meetings at the national and international level, and carried out various projects. One of the strengths of the department is that, it is not only an education program that aims to convey the fundamentals of business administration, but also it enables students to grow up as individuals who are able to adopt a modern management approach, gain an innovative and entrepreneurial identity, develop their research, analysis and decision making skills, and be prepared to assume responsibilities.

National and international publications and project work of faculty members are among the strengths of the department. One of the important features of the department is that it has a modern education program and this program is renewable according to the developing conditions. The courses are aimed to be supported by industrial presentations, case discussions, group and project work, and to convey the relations between theory and practice as concrete as possible to the students. In addition to compulsory courses, students are offered a wide range of elective courses from other Faculties and Departments within our University. Elective courses are planned to contribute to interdisciplinary studies in line with the departmental objectives.

Graduation Conditions

Turkish and English Business Programs in the Department of Business Administration are four-year (8 semester) undergraduate programs. Its legal status is within the scope of the Higher Education Institution's definition of International Joint Programs. Total Graduation Credit (Institution Credit) is 153, and ECTS loan is 240. Students who successfully complete the courses in the curriculum and whose weighted grade point average is at least 2.00 out of 4.00, are entitled to receive a bachelor's degree.



This content was updated on 04/02/2025.


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