Core Values and Principles

Beykoz University observes the following basic values and principles at the focus of all corporate activities and services;

  • Research and generate knowledge
  • Academic autonomy, freedom and responsibility
  • Student, employee and stakeholder focus
  • Participation and sharing
  • Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Respect for human rights and freedoms, pluralism and diversity
  • Internationalization in every field
  • Social responsibility
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Continuous learning, improvement, development and seeking excellence


Our university aims to provide its students with the following 14 key competencies with the institutional outputs it has defined, by supporting them with the "Competency Development Program" in their curricula. These competencies include projected in the scope of the proposed 8 key competences and Turkey Qualifications Framework is also to adapt to changes in society every citizen of the EU member and candidate countries and the European Commission. Institutional outputs of Beykoz University; refers to the common outcomes that are defined at different levels for each education and training level, which are aimed to be acquired by each student, regardless of the learning outcomes defined for the fields of the students in their own programs.

Beykoz University's Institutional Learning Outcomes cover 14 key competencies identified above.

Key Competencies of Beykoz University:

  • Doing Business, Problem Solving and Conflict Management
  • Leadership and Teamwork
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility
  • Written and Verbal Communication and Interaction
  • Critical Thinking, Developing Creative and Innovative Thinking
  • Ability to Develop Strategic and Entrepreneurial Understanding
  • Taking Responsibility and Making Independent Decisions
  • Managing Change
  • Learning How to Learn, Personal and Social Development
  • Developing a Global Perspective
  • Using Technology and Digital Competence
  • Cultural Consciousness and Expression
  • Social and Civic Competence
  • Foreign Language Communication

These key competencies determined by the university are associated with the 14 Sub-Program Learning Outcomes (SPLO) under a single “Key Program Learning Outcomes (KPLO)” at different levels for each level of education and has been defined as a learning outcome.


KPÖÇ: Developing in line with the expectations of the business world and society, and gaining a basic level of competencies in relation to the field, which is defined as the institutional outputs of our university.

APÖÇ 1) Gains competence to analyze and solve problems.

APÖÇ 2) Has an awareness of ethics and social responsibility.

APÖÇ 3) Takes responsibility as a team member in the works and procedures related to the field.

APÖÇ 4) Becomes aware of written, verbal communication and interaction.

APÖÇ 5) Follows advanced technologies and developments in digital transformation.

APÖÇ 6) Gains awareness of lifelong learning.

APÖÇ 7) Has awareness about civic competence.

APÖÇ 8) Evaluates developments in the field with an entrepreneurial approach.

APÖÇ 9) Gains the competence to communicate in a Foreign Language (English) defined at at least A2 level of the European Language Portfolio. (At B1 level for English-medium programs).


KPÖÇ: Gains advanced competencies that develop in line with the expectations of the business world and society and defined as the institutional outputs of our university.

APÖÇ 1) Gains the competence to analyze and solve problems and manage conflicts.

APÖÇ 2) Takes duties and responsibilities as a team member in environments that require resolution of problems, and takes leadership when necessary.

APÖÇ 3) Has an awareness of ethics and social responsibility.

APÖÇ 4) By supporting what s/he learned with quantitative and qualitative data; and using written, verbal and visual communication tools, s/he transfers them systematically and effectively to groups outside and outside the field.

APÖÇ 5) Critically evaluates the norms and standards that exist in the studies for which they are responsible.

APÖÇ 6) Develops strategic, innovative and entrepreneurial ideas.

APÖÇ 7) Gains the competence to manage change.

APÖÇ 8) Shows personal and social development with the awareness of lifelong learning.

APÖÇ 9) Follows the developments in advanced technologies and digital transformation.

APÖÇ 10) Has cultural consciousness and transfers it to groups outside and within its field.

APÖÇ 11) Has awareness about civic competence.

APÖÇ 12) Gains the competence to communicate in a Foreign Language (English) defined at least B1 level of the European Language Portfolio. (B2 / B2 + level for English-medium programs)


KPÖÇ: Develops the competencies that are defined as the institutional outputs of our university, which develop in line with the expectations of the business world and society, and develop at a professional level in business and / or academic life.

APÖÇ 1) Develops her/his competence to analyze, solve problems and manage conflicts at an expert level.

APÖÇ 2) Takes part as a team member in environments that require resolution of problems and leads when necessary.

APÖÇ 3) Critically evaluating the norms and standards in the works for which s/he is responsible, develops innovative and entrepreneurial ideas.

APÖÇ 4) Becomes aware of advanced technology and digital transformation possibilities in her/his studies.

APÖÇ 5) By supporting what s/he learned with quantitative and qualitative data; and using written, verbal and visual communication tools, s/he transfers them systematically and effectively to groups within and outside the field.

APÖÇ 6) S/he has cultural consciousness and transfers it to groups outside and within its field.

Beykoz University Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance System

Beykoz University has established an administrative structure based on strategic plan and processes. In this context, our university has determined 6 strategic areas. These areas are listed below.

  • Institutional Development
  • Education and Training
  • R&D
  • Service to the Community
  • Administrative and Support Services
  • Governance

In the approach adopted by our university within the scope of strategic planning studies, the institutional foundations of the university (Mission, Vision and Values) were determined first. Based on these institutional foundations, corporate goals were determined, and it was allowed to create unit and individual goals from corporate goals.

Our university has determined strategic goals related to each strategic area it has determined, and strategic main goals and sub-goals that will enable the realization of these goals have been determined. In addition, definitions have been created for each strategic area, in which the objectives of the relevant field are represented in summary form. The management structure adopted by our university, based on the strategic plan and processes, is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Beykoz University Management Structure Based on Strategic Plan and Processes

Our university started its strategic planning studies with the establishment of the university. The institutional foundations of the university were determined in 2016, and institutional assessment studies, including self-assessment and environmental assessment studies, were completed in 2018. Again in 2018, at the workshops held with the participation of all academic and administrative units, strategic goals, strategic objectives and strategic sub-goals that will take place in the strategic plan were determined. Our university has paid attention to the participation of all staff in the process while adopting its strategic goals, objectives and sub-goals. The strategic planning approach of our university is given in Figure 2 below. The strategic planning steps of the university are shown in Figure 3.


Figure 2: Beykoz University Strategic Planning Approach

Figure 3: Strategic Planning Steps

Our university has determined its strategic areas, goals, objectives and sub-goals, but the evaluation processes regarding whether the said goals and objectives are achieved or not are still ongoing. The assessment studies will be completed by the end of 2020.

Within the scope of the strategic plan, there are practices carried out throughout the institution in line with its strategic goals and objectives. As Beykoz University, innovative practices are adopted. One of these is the "Competence Development and Internship Program". Today, the business world expects university graduates to enter business life with some critical competencies as well as theoretical knowledge in their field. The business world knows that some competencies that are valuable throughout history have also changed with the transformation from an industrial production model to a technology-based and interconnected globalized knowledge economy, and now they expect the education system to transform accordingly.

Based on this need, our university implemented the Competency Development Program in all bachelor and associate degree departments in 2017. In addition to the field knowledge of our students, it is aimed to graduate with the following 14 basic and managerial competencies required by the 21st century business world. 14 corporate competencies defined by our university are listed below. Institutional Foundations can be accessed from the link below.

Institutional Foundations:

Picture 4: Beykoz University Strategic Planning Team

Beykoz University has formed a strategic planning team before starting its strategic planning studies. These teams consist of Quality Commission Members, Program / Department Heads, Administrative Unit Managers and Administrative Unit Representatives.

Another important and original study carried out by our university since its establishment is the ECTS Information Package. Based on the institutional outputs, where institutional outputs are defined; an important process has been completed in the ECTS Information package, in which the program educational objectives, from program educational objectives, program outcomes and program learning outcomes are defined. Program Educational Objectives (PAP), Program Outcomes (PO), Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) are defined in accordance with the institutional outcomes determined by our university. The methodology used in the process of determining the University's Program Educational Objectives (PAP), Program Outcomes (PO), Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) is visually expressed below.


Figure 5: Turkey Qualifications Framework Implementation Process

* Defined considering institutional learning outcomes.

Another unique application implemented by our university is the establishment of the Graduate Programs Institute. Our University became the first university in Turkey which established "Institute of Graduate Programs". After this practice, the steps of which were taken by our university for the first time, two more higher education institutions have gathered their graduate programs under a single institute. For this reason, it can be said that our university pioneered original applications in many fields.

This content was updated on 15/05/2024.


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