Board of Directors


  • Prof. Dr. İ. Burak KÜNTAY - Deputy Rector
  • Prof. Dr. İ. Burak KÜNTAY - Deputy Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Selahattin KURU - Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
  • Prof. Dr. Bengisu BAYRAK SHAHMIRI -  Dean, Faculty of Art and Design
  • Prof. Dr. Ezgi UZEL AYDINOCAK– Dean, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Osman Zihni ZAİM – Member Elected by the University Senate
  • Prof. Dr. Pınar Seden MERAL – Member Elected by the University Senate
  • Prof. Dr. Mansur BEYAZYÜREK - Member Elected by the University Senate


This content was updated on 11/11/2024.


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