Publication Support

Beykoz University provides publication support to the academic staff of Beykoz University in two categories: Publication Award and Publication Fee Support.

Publication Award

Publications made by Beykoz University faculty members are given a Publication Award. The Publication Award is given only to scientific articles published in journals scanned by certain indexes and scientific books published by certain international publishing houses.

Publications awarded with Publication Awards are divided into 7 groups:

In journals scanned by Science Citation

Index (SCI), Science Citation Index

Expanded (SCI-expanded), (Social Sciences

Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and

Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and TUBİTAK-ULAKBİM international scientific publications incentive program (UBYT) journal Publications classified in the list 

Scientific articles published in international refereed scientific journals other than A group journals

Scientific articles published in national refereed scientific journals other than A and B group journals

Scientific papers presented in international refereed scientific conferences and published in the proceedings book Scientific papers presented in national refereed scientific conferences and published in the proceedings book

Scientific books published by a well-known international scientific publications publishing house (The well-known international scientific publications publishing house is the publishing house of scientific publications that has been published for at least 5 years)

Scientific books published by a well-known national scientific publications publishing house (The well-known national scientific publications publishing house is the publishing house of scientific publications that has been published for at least 5 years)

The number of awards to be given to scientific publications per publication is different for each group above. The amount of support given to A group publications is determined on an academic year basis with the recommendation of the Research Support Committee, the decision of the University Administrative Board and the approval of the Board of Trustees. The award amount to be given to other publications is determined as a fraction of the support amount determined for Group A publications as follows:

Publication Support / Support Amount

A is determined by the Board of Trustees. / B Half as much as A group publications

C  one quarter of A group publications

D  one sixth of A group publications

E   one-eighth of A group publications

Up to F A group publications

Half of the G a group publications

In order to apply for the publication award, it is not sufficient that the article or book has been accepted for publication, but it must be published. The Publication Award  is given to Beykoz University faculty members among the authors of the publication, not to other authors. In order for the author to benefit from publication support, the university must be specified as the institution (affiliation) s/ he works for. The amount of awards to be given to scientific publications is per publication and does not depend on the number of authors. If there is more than one Beykoz University lecturer among the authors, the publication award is shared equally among the authors.

Publication award applications are made to the Faculty Deanships and the Directorates of Graduate Schools, Schools and Vocational Schools using the relevant application form. In the application form, the title of the scientific publication, its authors and institutions, the name of the journal in which it has been published, its number, volume, if any, date, publisher, ISBN or ISSN number are specified and a document indicating that it has been published and the indexes of the journal in which it is published is attached. A copy of the relevant publication is also attached to the application. The application is forwarded to the Research Support Committee. The evaluation of the applications is made by the Research Support Committee. The Research Support Committee may ask for opinions from one or more referees for technical evaluation, if necessary, and establish commissions or panels for evaluation and ranking.

Publications determined to be awarded by the Research Support Committee are recommended to the Rectorate and finalized with the decision of the University Executive Board.

Publication Fee Support

If the publication fee of the full-time faculty members of Beykoz University to be published in journals scanned by SCIexpanded, SCI, SSCI, AHCI is required to be paid to the journal in question, this fee is covered by the University within a certain limit.

The Publication Fee Support limit is determined by the recommendation of the Research Support Committee, the decision of the University Administrative Board and the approval of the Board of Trustees.

Application for publication fee support is made to the Faculty Deanships and the Directorates of Graduate School, Schools and Vocational School using the relevant application form. The copy of the article to be published and the documents regarding the publication fee are attached to the application. The application is forwarded to the Research Support Committee. Publication fee support is given with the recommendation of the Research Support Committee and the approval of the Rectorate.

This content was updated on 16/12/2020.


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