Frequently Asked Questions

1. I cannot Access Beykoz University systems following my final registration.

A username and password defined for individual students along with the links to access the university systems are forwarded to the e-mail addresses provided by the students during the registration process.

Please make sure you first check the e-mail address you provided for the university during the final registration process, and if the problem persists then send an email to and write about your problem.

2. Are the course registration procedures / course selections also completed together with the final registration procedures?

The answer is no. Final registration process and course selections are two separate processes.

Final registration means registering for the graduate program you have chosen at our university. You get to do the final registration it only once after you have met the requirements specified in the application conditions and are accepted to the program.

As for course registration/course selections, you need to complete them at the beginning of each semester over the system so as to register for the courses you wish to take during that semester.

3. How are course registration / course selection procedures done?

Course registration / course selection processes are done through the OIS system during the course selection date ranges specified in the academic calendar.

After completing your course selections through the OIS system, you need to send your selections to your advisor for approval by clicking the "send to advisor" button. Remember that your course registration is completed only after the approval of your advisor.

In other words, if the above-mentioned approval process is not done, your registration for the course will also not be completed. In this case, the student will not be on the attendance list for the course and he/she will not be able to access the distance education platform for the online courses too.

4. I cannot send it for approval after the course selection, what should I do?

You need to write an email to the Student Affairs ( and the institute ( and inform them on this issue.

5. I cannot register / select a course, what should I do?

You need to write an email to the Student Affairs ( and the institute ( and inform them that you are unable to select a course over the system. 

6. Do I have to renew the course registration / course selection procedures every semester?

Yes, you have to renew the course registration / course selection process each semester.

Note that the students that have gained the right to start their term project and/or are in their thesis period must also choose the relevant term project course or their related thesis course by completing the course registration process.

Until graduation, each semester's course registration/course selection procedures must be completed on time in accordance with the timetable specified by the academic calendar.

7. Is there a specific time to add or drop a course?

The period for adding and dropping courses are stated in the academic calendar. The required procedures must be completed within the defined time to add or drop a course, and no adding or dropping courses outside the specified time period will be allowed.

8. I want to add or drop a course, how and where do I do it?

Adding and dropping courses are completed through the OIS platform. First of all, the student needs to inform his/her advisor, who had approved his/her course selections before, by e-mail. This is because the student must get his/her advisor to remove his/her approval for the courses in order for the student to make changes to his/her selection of the courses over the OIS platform. Once the approval granted previously has been removed, the student then can perform the necessary actions and send the changes to the advisor's approval once again by clicking the "send to advisor" button. New course registration can only be completed following the approval of the advisor.

9. How can I find out who my advisor is?

Advisor information is available in the Education Information on the student screen on the OIS platform. Since the appointment is made automatically, if an advisor has not been appointed for you, you need to inform the institute at once by sending an e-mail to the institute ( to sort out the issue.  

10. Which letter grades I get will be sufficient for me to be considered successful in a course?

A student who has received one of the following letter grades AA, BA, BB, CB, CC, BI and M as a passing grade for a course is deemed to have been successful in that course.

11. What are the tables and requirements for getting a passing grade in courses?

Absolute grading system is used in the calculation of passing grades.

The correlation and meanings of the absolute grades with letter and numerical passing grades are shown in the table below.  

Absolute Grade

Letter Grade

Numerical Grade









Very Good









































In order to be deemed successful in a course, a student must get at least 50 points out of 100 from the final exam.

12. Which letter grades I get from a course will cause me to fail that course?

A student who receives one of the letter grades FF, BZ and DZ in a course is considered unsuccessful in that course.

13. What is the attendance requirement for the courses?

70% attendance in classes is mandatory. This rate can be increased up to 80% in applied courses.

14. Do my medical report excuses count as absenteeism?

No, the periods during which students with a medical report are excused are not counted as absenteeism. However, note that this period cannot exceed 50% of the total course hours.

15. I've exceeded my attendance requirement. Can I still take the exams?

The students that have failed to fulfil the attendance requirements of a course are given a letter grade of DZ. The students that are in this situation cannot take the final and make-up exams.

DZ grade is treated as FF grade for the GPA calculations.

16. I have failed an elective course. Can I take another elective instead?

Students can take another elective course instead of the elective courses they failed, provided that the credits are not less than the course they failed.

17. I have failed a course. What should I do?

Students with a semester letter success grade of FF, DZ, BZ have to repeat the courses they have failed or withdrawn with a W grade. The grades of the repeated courses are recorded for the semesters to which the course belongs and are included in the grade point average (GPA) of that semester.

18. How can I apply for the make-up exam?

Make-up exams are given by the relevant Institute Administrative Board for the students who could not attend the midterm, final exams and repeat exams due to their legitimate excuses.

The students that wish to apply for a make-up exam need to fill in and sign the petition for the Make-Up Application, which is located under the section forms, and then submit it to the Institute Directorate attached with a signed document stating their legitimate excuse within five working days following the end of the exams at the latest. Note that health excuses need to be documented with an official medical report obtained from official healthcare institutions. The submitted application is then taking into consideration by the Graduate School Administrative Board. Make-up exams are held within the date range specified in the academic calendar.

19. How can I find out if I am granted the right to take the make-up exam?

The students that have applied through the Office of the Secretary of the Institute are notified by e-mail of the decision of the Administrative Board of the Institute (accepted or rejected). Exam dates, exam times and exam venues are shared in the aforementioned notification e-mail for the accepted applications.

20. I have not taken the midterm exam; can I still take the final exam?

The students that have missed a midterm exam can take the final exam if they have fulfilled the attendance requirements for that course.

21. I could not take the final exam. Can I take the repeat exam?

Yes, even if you have not taken the final exam, you can take the repeat exam.

22. Is it necessary to apply with a petition to take the repeat exam?

No, there is no need to apply with a petition. A repeat exam is held following at the end of the semester exams and it is for the failed (FF) courses taken in that academic semester. Every student who has received an FF can take the repeat exam. There are no additional requirements to take that exam.

23. Is there possibility for me to pass a course I have failed without having to repeat that course only by taking a single exam? If so, how?

Yes, as far as the lessons you have failed with an FF are concerned, you can apply in the semester of your program for an additional exam for graduation and/or single exam for graduation, which will grant you to pass your failed course by taking just an exam. 

24. I have failed a course but I also wish to increase my GPA. Can I retake that that course?

Yes, the students can retake the courses they have passed to increase their GPA if they wish. The higher grade they have received is recorded on their transcripts.

25. How are final grades calculated?

As far as formal programs are concerned, the final grades of the students are calculated by taking 50% of the weighted-average of the grades they have received for the assessment and evaluation activities on top of the 50% of the grades they receive for the final exam.

As for distance education programs, the final grade for a course is calculated by taking into account 40% of the weighted-average of the grades they have received for the assessment and evaluation activities on top of the 60% of the grades they receive for the final exam.

26. I am retaking a course. Is attendance mandatory again?

No, if a student has fulfilled the attendance requirements once, they do not need to attend the course they are taking again provided that they comply with the assessment and evaluation requirements for that course for that semester and at the end of the semester.

27. Where do I see the dates for the exams?

The dates of midterms, finals, make-ups, repeat exams besides the dates of additional exams for graduation and/or single course exams for graduation are available on the academic calendar. The academic calendar can be reached through the link below:

28. Does the Academic Calendar only show the exams?

No, the academic calendar covers all the flow including the dates and deadlines for final registrations, course selections, course add-drops, withdrawing, submission of the term projects and thesis interim report, weeks for the thesis defences and term project submissions etc. in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.   

You can view the Academic Calendar through the link below:

29. Can I freeze my registration in the post-graduate programs?

Yes, students that apply to freeze their registrations for rightful and valid excuses such as health, military service, financial issues, natural disasters, family issues, education abroad etc. within their maximum education duration period and provided that they can document their excuses.

30. How can you apply to freeze your registration?

When you wish to freeze your registration, you need to visit the Financial Affairs Office and pay the fee set by the Board of Trustees at the beginning of the semester for freezing registration and then submit the petition for freezing your registration signed wet personally by the student to the Institute. The Institute Board then rules in favour or against the request of the student. In order to receive further information regarding the financial liabilities, please send an email to .

31. How many semesters maximum can I freeze my registration for the masters with thesis and non-thesis master’s programs?

Students can freeze their registration for a maximum of four semesters in total, with a maximum of two semesters at a time in master's programs with thesis. In non-thesis master's programs, registration can be frozen for a maximum of two semesters.

32. My maximum period of study in your non-thesis master's programs has expired. Can I get additional time?

Unfortunately, there is no additional time in our non-thesis programs. The maximum duration of study for non-thesis master's programs is 1.5 years, which is 3 semesters in total.

33. My maximum period of study in master's programs with thesis has expired. Can I get additional time?

The maximum study period of master's programs with thesis is 4 semesters, and they can be completed in a maximum of 6 semesters by taking 2 additional semesters. Starting the semesters 5 and 6 involves additional financial obligations on your side. For information on these additional financial obligations, please send an e-mail to

34. When can I apply for the single course exam for graduation?

The single course exam is organized for the students that have taken and passed all the courses except for one required by a program and they need to have fulfilled the attendance requirements for that course too.

Students can take that exam in the final semester of our master’s program.

35. How can I apply for the graduation single course exam?

The application petition for the graduation single course exam, which is located under the forms, needs to be sent to the Graduate School with a signed form. The submitted application is then approved or rejected by the Graduate School Administrative Board. Exams are organized within the date ranges specified by the academic calendar. The information regarding the date, time and place of the exam is sent to the applicant by the institute secretariat via an e-mail.

36. When can I apply for the graduation additional course exams?

The students who have not completed the courses in their program within the maximum completion time of the courses are given the right to take two additional exams for the courses they have taken before and the courses they have failed.

These exams are given in the final semester of a master’s program.

37. How can I apply for the graduation additional course exams?

The application petition for the graduation additional course exams, which is located under the forms, needs to be sent to the Graduate School with a signed form. The submitted application is then approved or rejected by the Graduate School Administrative Board. Exams are organized within the date ranges specified by the academic calendar. The information regarding the date, time and place of the exam is sent to the applicant by the institute secretariat via an e-mail.

38. Where can I find out the exam results?

You can learn about your exam results by entering the OIS.

39. How are exams conducted in distance education master's programs?

In distance education programs, midterm and final exams (including re-take, graduation additional exams, graduation single course exams, graduation grade point average upgrade exams) will be held face to face.

40. How are exams conducted in formal graduate programs?

All exams in formal programs are conducted face-to-face. If homework or projects are assigned as semester exams, final exams or as repeat exams, they can be completed online.

42. How is the exam schedule planned?

The exam of a course is given in the date ranges specified by the academic calendar, in accordance with the course schedule, on the days when the course is given weekly. For example, if a course is given on Mondays, then the exam of that course is held on a Monday.

43. How are the exam schedules announced?

Once the exam schedule has been set, it is published as an announcement on the website of Beykoz University and the link for viewing the exam schedule is forwarded to the e-mail address Moreover, the link is also available for the students to view and visit in the announcement section of the OIS.

44. Is it sufficient to deliver the Term Project to my advisor?

No, the submitted term projects need to be presented to the jury on the presentation weeks specified by the academic calendar, and following the completion of the presentation, the jury decides whether the term project is Successful (BI) / Unsuccessful (BZ).

45. Why are there two separate date ranges for the Term Project presentation?

The first date range for is set for the presentations of students that have been successful in all their courses and have achieved the 2.5 GPA required for their graduation.

The second date range is set for the presentations of students that have taken the graduation additional exam and/or graduation single exams and/or the graduation grade point average increase exam, and have thus met requirement of being successful in their courses and have reached the sufficient grade point average.

This content was updated on 16/09/2022.


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