Financial Economics Master's Program (With / Non-Thesis)


Financial Economics Master's Program is a comprehensive theoretical and practical program designed for candidates who have completed their undergraduate education in the fields of economics, business administration, engineering besides public and private sector employees that would like specialize in financial economics.

Within the scope of diverse interdisciplinary aspects it features, Financial Economics Master's Program seeks to educate its students as scientists, lecturers and business people who are needed in this field by addressing the relevant issues through high-level theories, policies, concepts and techniques.

Covering economics, finance and quantitative techniques as a whole and expecting its students to make valuable contributions to the scientific, educational and business environment of our country by offering analytical thinking skills and researcher qualifications, the program also aims to provide students with finance and economic management competencies.

The field of Financial Economics addresses a wide area ranging from the current and global scientific fields of macroeconomic theory to the theories and policies of financial science on markets, institutions, asset valuation and financial decision-making of individuals and institutions in a risk environment. Within this framework, emphasis has been placed on the inclusion of the scientific field of quantitative techniques in the program to examine the theories through applied research, and to convey the topics that deal with the basic structures and interrelationships proposed in finance and economics theories.


Apart from looking into the theoretical and practical aspects of the general economic developments and various applications, the program will prepare the students for the business world of finance by examining the structure, operation and products of the financial markets. In this respect, students can graduate as competent finance specialists who can start a career in a series of departments such as fund management, treasury, risk management, portfolio management, investment consultancy, accounting, finance, economic research in banks various financial institutions and corporate companies.

Graduates of the program enjoy the opportunity to have a career in regulatory and supervisory institutions in the public sector such as the Banking Regulation and the Supervision Agency (BRSA), Capital Markets Board (CMB), Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency (SEDDK), Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), Saving Deposit and Insurance Fund (SDIF) besides commercial banks, investment banks, participation banks; departments of economic research, financial review and financial evaluation at development banks; capital market institutions of the finance sector such as Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST), Takasbank, Central Registry Agency (CRA) etc.; brokerage houses, portfolio management companies, investment trusts, factoring and leasing companies, insurance companies, finance departments of private companies and independent audit companies. In addition, risk management departments, treasury departments, internal audit and inspection departments of banks and corporations can be considered as potential business areas where our graduates of the master's program in financial economics can be employed.


Applications are made by filling out the online application form of the Institute of Graduate Programs.  There is no field requirement for undergraduate graduation for Financial Economics master's program.

Application documents are as follows:

  • Identity document
  • Passport Photo
  • Undergraduate Diploma or Graduation Certificate (Graduation Certificate obtained from Turkish  e-Government is valid)
  • Undergraduate Transcript (Transcript Certificate obtained through e-Government is valid.)
  • CV
  • ALES Result (Only for the program with thesis, at least 55 points from Equally-Weighted [EA] score type is required.)
  • Military Service Status Certificate (Only compulsory for male candidates)

Only the applications of candidates who submit complete application documents are taken into consideration.



Beykoz University Financial Economics Master's Program is offered as Thesis and Non-Thesis Program.

The Master's Program in Financial Economics Without Thesis is offered as an up-to-date education program for professional business life. The program includes traditional economics and finance subjects as in similar curricula in today's universities. However, in addition to providing theoretical knowledge to students, the program is supported by comprehensive scientific studies for practical applications.

The Master's Program in Financial Economics With Thesis is offered as an up-to-date education program for professional business life, but also offers opportunities for those who complete the master's program with thesis to pursue an academic career. Students who complete the master's program with thesis can continue their education at the doctoral level if they wish.



The language of instruction for both the Thesis and Non-Thesis Master's Degree Programs in Financial Economics is Turkish.

The duration of the Non-Thesis Master's Program is at least 2 semesters and at most 3 semesters. The Master's Program with Thesis is completed in a minimum of 4 semesters and a maximum of 6 semesters.



The Turkish Non-Thesis Master's Program in Financial Economics consists of 10 courses and one semester of master's project work for a total of three semesters.

The Turkish Thesis Master's Program in Financial Economics  consists of a total of 8 courses, including 7 courses and a Seminar course, and a total of four semesters of education, including 2 semesters of master's thesis work.

Courses consist of compulsory courses and elective courses. Some of the lessons are below:

  • Financial Econometrics (Compulsory)
  • Mathematics of Finance (Compulsory)
  • Financial Crises and Management (Compulsory)
  • Financial Management (Compulsory)
  • Research Methods in Social Sciences (Compulsory)
  • Financial Markets, Products and Institutions (Compulsory)
  • International Finance (Compulsory)
  • Finance Theories (Compulsory)
  • Research Methods and Ethics (Elective)
  • Derivatives and Pricing (Elective)
  • IPO, Mergers & Acquisitions (Elective)
  • Digital Finance World (Elective)
  • Portfolio Management & Optimization (Elective)
  • Basic Company Analysis (Elective)
  • Financial Risk Management (Elective)
  • Central Banking and Monetary Policy (Elective)
  • Technical Analysis in Capital Markets (Elective)
  • Corporate Finance (Elective)

Students will be able to analyze economic and financial data as well as generate ideas with various numerical models and theories and evaluate their results objectively. The basic economic concepts and theories necessary to understand the functioning of the Turkish and global economies are comprehensively explained. Current applications are made in order to use the financial and economic knowledge acquired in the courses in solving the problems encountered in business life practice. A general awareness of the common and distinctive features of financial institutions, business, public market regulations and policies is provided. The compulsory and elective courses offered within the program have a rich curriculum in different disciplines such as statistics, econometrics, macroeconomics, corporate finance, portfolio management, pricing of financial derivatives and risk management.

According to the Higher Education Council (YÖK) regulations, students in formal education programs are required to attend 70% of the courses.

The students of the Thesis Master's Program complete the Master's Thesis under the supervision of the advisor in the III and IV semesters. In this way, students gain an important experience and academic career opportunity for the realization of scientific research, analysis and writing stages. In the thesis program, students write their thesis under the leadership of the thesis advisor in the relevant semester and complete all the necessary academic stages and defend their thesis in front of the thesis jury to be determined.

Non-Thesis Master's Program students complete the Master's Term Project under the supervision of the advisor in the third semester. In this way, students gain the opportunity to gain experience in scientific research, analysis and writing. In the non-thesis program, in the relevant semester, students write their projects under the leadership of the term project advisor and complete all the necessary academic stages and defend their project in front of the project jury to be determined.



The courses are held at the Kavacık Campus, between 19.00-21.45 on weekdays and between 10.00-16.00 on Saturdays.

With the agreements that can be made between Beykoz University and institutions, a special program can be created only for the employees of the relevant institution who meet the above-mentioned admission requirements. In this case, the courses can be held partially or completely at a venue to be determined by the institution.



Click here for detailed information about tuition fees and payment terms.



Under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Lecturer Kaan Evren Bolgün, Financial Economics Master's Programs in Turkish is supported by a strong academic staff consisting of young academics with a good command of the current research topics of the field and experienced academics standing out in their fields.

This content was updated on 04/02/2025.


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